Following the parade of beautiful boats headed to the ceremony |
If you were out on the water on Sunday may 6th you were part of a truly magical moment here in Reedville VA. Sunday marked the official start of the fishing season here with the Blessing Of The Fleet. Personally it was our first such event of the many that have taken place over the years. What struck me was how once again, this community gathers together when asked. The event starts out with a parade of boats that all gather at the stack. It was a church service on the water, with the Stack as a steeple so to speak. It was the first year that the saving of the stack has been truly complete thanks to your donations.
To see watermen all out there in their boats was a moving thing to see. A real reminder that we live in a real place with real people living life off the water the way its been done for hundreds of years. This was no tourist deal, or re-enactment of time gone past. It was a somber and fun moment that exemplifies why we call Reedville, Virginia's Working Fishing Village.